StressGard II TotalGard Total Gard StressGuard Night Mouth Tooth Guard w/ Retainer Case and Instructions for proper use. Teeth grinding and clenching relief has arrived with this comfortable Nightguard. The new and improved StressGard II is uniquely designed by an orthodontist with a patented flexible groove, full occlusal contact and natural arch bite tabs. The new and improved StressGard II is uniquely designed by an orthodontist with a patented flexible groove, full occlusal contact, and natural arch bite tabs to help you deal with the daily stress and tension that may cause you to clench and grind. Dental experts estimate that close to 20% of the adult population suffers from the effect of grinding and clenching at any given time with an estimated 20-50% of the population suffering from Bruxing. The main reason people clench and grind their teeth is due to stress. Clenching and grinding not only causes excessive wear on teeth, but daily stress (long term and short term) can cause the facial muscles to overwork and become sore. This is common for adults starting in the college years (exams) and continuing through all ages. Who doesn’t have a stress filled life? Females tend to show the effects of clenching and grinding first by exhibiting sore facial and neck muscles.
StressGard II Advantages:
- New FULL Occlusal bite rim and Natural arch form bite tabs
- Outperforms Splintek Sleepright Nightguard & Doctor's Nightguard
- Ready to use - No boiling or molding
- Slim, sleek and comfortable design
- Cost effective
- One size fits all - trimmable to your size
- Can be worn during the day or night
How does The StressGard II Nightguard work?
The StressGard II Nightguard works by providing a cushion between the upper and lower teeth which will prevent you from "locking" your teeth together when you grind/brux. this will prevent the over activation of the facial muscles which causes the pain. The StressGard II Nightguard also provides a smooth protective surface for your teeth to slide on thus preventing damage to the teeth and enamel.
How long can I wear my The StressGard II Nightguard?
We recommend to start out for a couple of hours the first few days, until you get used to The StressGard II Nightguard. After that it can be worn all night and during the day when you find yourself grinding or clenching.
Is The StressGard II Nightguard durable nightguard?
Feedback from the thousands of user tells us The StressGard II Nightguard is durable. We find 9 months to 1 year to be the norm for heavy grinders and much longer for those who suffer from episodal grinding.
Will The StressGard II Nightguard fall out of my mouth?
No, The StressGard II Nightguard will stay in at night. The natural tension of your gum muscles will keep the nightguard in place. People who tend to spit out their custom made nightguards, tell us ours stayed in all night while the custom one ended up on the floor.
Can I wear The StressGard II Nightguard during the day?
With our sleek design and the ability to wear on the upper or lower teeth The StressGard II Nightguard is ideal for daytime use. You can even carry-on normal conversations and no will realize you are wearing it.
Do you recommend The StressGard II Nightguard for children?
The StressGard II Nightguard is one size fits all and the entire guard can be trimmed with scissors. We do not recommend children under 10 years old use The StressGard II Nightguard. Grinding in children is very common and when it involves children with their primary teeth, the damage will not be lasting since these teeth will be replaced. We recommend if your are concerned with your child's grinding that you visit your dentist.
What is the average time someone has to use The Stressgard II Nightguard for?
There is no average time because people have different problems. Some people grind all the time and need the protection every night. Many people suffer from episodal grinding and only need the StressGard II during times of high stress when they tend to grind.